Anomaly Research Centre
Anomaly Research Centre
Anomaly Research Centre
Episode1.1 10
"You should get out more. Go to a bar; meet a nice girl. Life will seem a lot less confusing."
This article is non-canonical - from outside of Primeval canon.

Watch created a Primeval YouTube game, which was released on the channel of the user 'watchprimeval' on May 24th 2011, the day of the Series 5 premiere. By 2014, the game has since been removed from Youtube but it is still available on


Captain Becker appears on the screen with two anomalies in the background and a loose Mutated Future Predator prowling about. He warns You about the Anomalies and the creature, then throws you an EMD weapon as the screen starts cracking as creatures from behind try to break through.


The Statbox

The ad in the right-hand corner becomes a statbox and your cursor the cross hairs. Raptors and Kaprosuchus' start running towards You and attacking, and Mutated Future Predators appear from the side of the screen, quickly attacking You before leaving on the other side. You must use the EMD to kill the various creatures and You also get Ammo Bonus', Health Bonus' and bombs throughout the game.

Eventually, time runs out or the creatures become too many and everything breaks completely apart and is sucked into an Anomaly in the Sterile Earth Desert. Your score/stats then appear followed by the overall scoreboard, with links to share the game. You can apparently get cheat codes from sharing the game with your online friends (email, Facebook and Twitter).



