Primeval's trailers are the short teaser adverts showing clips for each series. Primeval has had numerous trailers over the five series it has been running.
Series 1[]
The first Primeval trailer features clips of the series plus shots of Nick Cutter, Abby Maitland, Connor Temple, Stephen Hart and Claudia Brown running between what seems to be large containers. The team eventually end up together, and a voice says, "Time for adventure". The soundtrack is from the rock band Muse's single Map of the Probmatique.
Series 2[]
This trailer features, again, clips from the series, plus the words 'IT'S TIME' - 'TO TELL YOU A SECRET' - 'THEY'RE BACK' - 'FOR SECONDS'. The soundtrack is The Pretender by Foo Fighters.
Series 3[]
This trailer features, once more, clips from the series, plus a couple of images of a Future Predator from Series 2. The soundtrack is Hello Zepp by Charlie Clouser.
Series 4[]
Series 4 has more than one trailer:
Official Series 4 trailer[]
At the begining, it features a short clip of Andrew-Lee Potts (who plays Connor Temple) talking about the new series. It then features clips from Episode 4.1 and Episode 4.2.
ITV trailer 1[]
This trailer features clips of the series with the words 'THE HUNT IS ON'.
ITV trailer 2[]
This is a shortened version of the main ITV trailer.
Watch Trailer[]
In Watch's usual style, there is a couple of clips from the series plus a couple of comments saying Watch..... (eg, behind the sofa, in your birthday suit, together), before at the end it saying that it will be on Sundays at 7pm. The soundtrack is Supermassive Black Hole by Muse, who also provided the soundtrack for ITV's Series 1 trailer.
Series 5[]
Watch Promo[]
In the Short Watch Promo, it has the Watch logo. Then, a V is ripped in to the screen.
Watch Trailer[]
This trailer was originally released online. In it, Neal, a worker on a Submarine, sees a Eustreptospondylus in a fridge. It then attacks him. At the end, a voice announces 'Primeval Series 5, See it first on Watch'. and Promo[]
This a trailer cut especially for and Ciarán McMenamin announces the Series 5 DVD can now be pre-ordered on the Amazon advert, while Ruth Kearney does it on the advert.
Watch Primeval Series 5 Facebook Trailer[]
A trailer cut especially for the official Primeval Series 5 Facebook page.
Official Trailer 2[]
This trailer is a mid-series trailer released by Watch. This trailer features the first clips of the Mutated Future Predators as well as clips of a Kaprosuchus.
New World[]
See main Article: New World Trailers